Rob Talks About His Other Projects

Rob talks about Unbound Captives and Bel Ami.
"I’m playing a kid who’s kidnapped by Comanches when he was 4 years old and brought up by them. My mother spends her entire time trying to find me and my sister, and when she finds us we can’t remember who she is or remember anything about the Western culture. I speak Comanche the whole movie so that will be really different from Edward [laughs].

Ok, Pattinson may have gained a little respect from me for taking on another language for the movie. In the film he’ll star opposite Rachel Weisz and Hugh Jackman, so this will be a stark contrast to anything he’s ever done in Twilight. Therefore, we had to ask if he took on the role because it was so different from playing Mr. Cullen.

"No, I actually signed onto that after I had done Twilight in the summer just a couple of months after I finished, so it was really before anything had happened. I didn’t really think about it, it was just a cool script. It reminded me in a lot of ways of Giant, and that’s one of my favorite movies, so I think that’s why I responded to it. "

"I’m going to be doing a movie called Bel Ami in February, and it’s an adaptation of Guy De Maupassant’s novel."

Speaking of time lines, when they hell can we expect to hear some news on Breaking Dawn? Eclipse is already in the bag, and Pattinson had this to say about the fourth vampire film.

"I think the tentative time line for Breaking Dawn is next year I think. I don’t really know. They may well change that."

So, there you go! Breaking Dawn may or may not start filming next year, he”ll be channeling Daniel Day-Lewis from Last of the Mohican’s in a Western, and playing it up as a male whore in February. source